Who did a former MN State Representative hire to create a web site for his lawsuit against Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton? Studio 544 Web Design of course!
Former Minnesota State Representative Jim Knoblach is heading up an effort to kill a project to build a $90 million new office building for MN State Senators by bringing a lawsuit against Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton asking the courts to stop the bill.
Mr. Knoblach wanted a way to show the public the details behind his lawsuit and help raise money for the legal fees involved in the suit. The new web site for Stop The SOB (Senate Office Building) was created by Studio 544 and can be viewed at www.stopthesob.org. The web site also includes an email signup feature for people to show their support for the cause.
If your business or organization is in need of a new web site or giving your current website a facelift, contact freelance web designer Mark Lewandowski at Studio 544 in Hutchinson, MN for a FREE quote.